Sunday, April 3, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 2 "Firework" By: Katy Perry

It is Day 2 of the challenge and I'm putting off finishing a paper to write this blog. My least favorite song that comes to me right off the top of my head has to be Katy Perry's "Firework. I do not know what it is about the song that makes me not like it but it just strikes a nerve every time I hear it played. Yes it is catchy and made people "youtube" famous by making viral videos but to me it is not a song I enjoy. It seems to be to over produced, way to pop for my standards, and also it is sung by an artist in all honesty has big boobs and not much talent. Our musical standards in this country are almost completely non-existent, this last five years has produced hardly any groundbreaking songs that will redefine a musical era. Whether Katy Perry wrote this out of love for Russel Brand or not does not make this song good. I hope the music industry changes in a few years but it probably won't.

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