Saturday, April 30, 2011

Independent Thinking

As a student I believe if you encourage other students to think independently, those students can ultimately share their ideas with other students. Thinking independently, students are more likely to start conversations with other students, speak up in class, and have more confidence. I have experienced all of these things.
When a student opens his or her mind and thinks independently they can collect their thoughts better. This opens up conversation opportunities with other students. Students can pool all of their ideas together and talk about them. Each student can share his or her ideas while listening to everyone else’s. Listening to everyone else’s idea can ad to your ideas too. Open-minded students won’t disregard their peer’s ideas.           
            When a teacher or professor lectures, he or she is expressing the ideas of the authors from which they get their material. Most professors are independent thinkers too; they think for themselves and have their own ideas about what they are lecturing on. These professors also have listened or paid attention to what other people have told them since they are lecturing other people’s thoughts too. So when a student thinks for himself or herself it is okay. They can have an idea about what they think is going on but they still are going to follow the teacher’s lecture.  The students can start discussions with the professor and the rest of the class can use their thoughts to be involved in the lecture.           

             When students have their own ideas about certain topics and have a place where they can freely say them with out getting criticized build confidence. You can do this in the classroom and hopefully with your best friends. They will argue with you but in a good way because they will have their own ideas. Every time you express your thoughts it builds more and more confidence were you could get to a point that you will just start saying your ideas freely with out being persuaded. Confidence is good because without it you wouldn’t have the nerve to express those ideas you thought about. Confidence helps students be happier and walk with their head held up high.
            Thinking independently is great to do. It isn’t bad to do this and it won’t takeaway from what other people say. It should actually make you want to listen to what other people to say so you can have a friendly argument with them. Thinking independently helps not only your friends but also the classroom because they are getting another viewpoint on something.  If you can express your ideas openly without being made fun of it helps build confidence. Which every teenager and young adult needs.

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